Tuesday, May 15, 2012

Celebrate Life ALWAYS

*If this is your first time reading my blog...read Struck Down But Not Destroyed from January first!
MAY 15!!  This is a day that will forever be special to us and those closest to us!!  Today is the day little BeeBee Aaron would have been born!  What a joyous day…a day we can celebrate…the life of our baby, though oh so brief…WE CELEBRATE!!  We miss our BeeBee and look forward to the day we are reunited with Aaron in Heaven. 
          Thank you Father for the peace you have brought to us as a family.  You are so wonderful and we appreciate your love so true and pure.  Only YOU can heal a heart so broken.  Thank you.  Thank you.  Thank you.  Please help us to continue to heal and be strong.  Help us to love you, trust you, and desire you!  We trust your perfect plan and now understand that we will be growing our little family sometime in the future.  We thank you for being so clear and giving us the patience to wait…so now we wait with a joyful heart :) ”            

Saturday, February 4, 2012

Healing Process

*If this is your first time reading my blog...read Struck Down But Not Destroyed from January first!   

There are many things that can help with the healing process of any hurt.  When grieving a deceased family member or friend the hurt is impossible to explain.  While grieving you might feel tired, sad, cry at any given moment, feelings of denial, forget things, not care to see friends, feel extremely drawn to family, feel lethargic, not care about looking great: throw hair in a pony tail, not feel like bathing =P, simple to no make-up.  HOWEVER, the beautiful thing is Jesus gives us the power to get through this difficult time. 
Here are some things that did and still are helping me heal.            
Praying to God who loves us so much!  He comforts us and gives us an indescribable peace in any situation. When you have a relationship with Christ you can talk to him at ANYTIME, ANYWHERE, & about ANYTHING!
Reading God’s Word, the Bible.  The Bible teaches us the truth about everything.  God’s Word also helps us to put our situation into perspective.  It is so very important that we read the Bible daily.  Think of it this way, when you are in a close relationship with someone, you talk to and listen to that person often, probably everyday!  How much more often should we desire to talk & listen to our Savior Jesus?!    Sometimes we hear from God through the Holy Spirit inside of us, sometimes we hear from Him audibly, but we CAN hear from God DAILY by reading His Word.  Here are some scriptures from the Bible that can bring comfort to the life of a Christian.   
“Surely God is my salvation; I will trust & not be afraid.  The Lord, the Lord, is my strength & my song; he has become my salvation.”  Isaiah 12:2
“As you do not know the path of the wind, or how the body is formed in a mother’s womb, so you cannot understand the work of God, the maker of all things.” Ecclesiastes 11:5
“My grace is sufficient for you, for my power is made perfect in weakness.” 2 Corinthians 12:9
“Be merciful to me, Lord, for I am faint; O Lord, heal me, for my bones are in agony.  My soul is in anguish.  How long, O Lord, how long?  Turn, O Lord, & deliver me; save me because of your unfailing love.  I am worn out from groaning all night long I flood my bed with weeping and drench my couch with tears.  My eyes grow weak with sorrow; they fail because of all my foes.  Away from me, all you who do evil, for the Lord has heard my weeping.  The Lord has heard my cry for mercy; the Lord accepts my prayer.”  Psalm 6:2-4, 6-9
 Family & friends who will pray for you and with you are always so very important when going through a hard time…well, ALL the time really!  I am so very grateful for EVERYONE who has & will be praying for us on this journey.  Thank you thank you thank you for ALL the lovely prayers, cards, & flowers!  I also want to thank Marilynd, Brandon’s mom, for the sweet card, the perfectly cute little figurine, and her sweet prayers!  Sas…your card was so sweet and we thank you guys for thinking of us & praying with us!  Also, the day we got back from the Doc’s appointment where she shared all the information about miscarriages & let us ask questions, we had an oh so sweet surprise on our doorstep when we returned.  The flowers were perfectly beautiful, the letter was so sweet and encouraging, and the hand written scriptures on portable index cards were SO necessary!  Amboozle, you have always been a special friend to me, but I am especially thankful for your friendship, encouragement, and prayers in this time!  We extend a special thanks to every family member & friend who loves us & prays with & for us!  

 Talking about Aaron, miscarriages and reading about other people who had miscarriages.  Thank you guys for asking about Aaron and asking how we are doing :) A few years ago, my Daddy became friends with an author named Bethany Kerr who wrote, Answers in a time of Miscarriage.  After we lost Aaron, she sent him two copies of the book one for me & one for my Sis who had a miscarriage years ago.  The book fabulously includes questions & answers, women’s stories, men’s stories (so neat to hear their perspective), ectopic loss stories, how to comfort, what not to say, and encouragement. 
Her website is http://bethany.preciousinfants.com  
Healing is a process that must be centered around Jesus Christ and His Word.  Thank God I don’t have family and friends like Job ;) Instead I have family and friends who are encouraging & loving.  So thankful for prayer, the Bible, and family & friends!   
Here are some more scriptures that encouraged me during this time:
“Before I formed you in the womb I knew you, before you were born I set you apart.  Do not be afraid…for I am with you…declares the Lord.”  Jeremiah 1:5-8
“The sovereign Lord will wipe away the tears from all faces; he will remove the disgrace of his people from all the earth.  The Lord has spoken.  In that day they will say, ‘surely this is our God; we trusted in him & he saved us.  This is the Lord, we trusted in him; let us rejoice & be glad in his salvation.’”  Isaiah 25:8-9
“So do not fear, for I am with you; do not be dismayed, for I am your God.  I will strengthen you & help you; I will uphold you with my righteous hand.”  Isaiah 41:10
“And we know that in all things God works for the good of those who love him, who have been called according to his purpose.”  Romans 8:28

“Come to me, all you who are weary & burdened, & I will give you rest.  Take my yoke upon you & learn from me, for I am gentle & humble in heart, & you will find rest for your souls.  For my yoke is easy & my burden is light.”  Matthew 11:28-30
“I sought the Lord, & he answered me; he delivered me from all my fears.  Those who look to him are radiant; their faces are never covered with shame.”  Psalm 34:4-5

Sunday, January 15, 2012

Struck Down But Not Destroyed

Jesus has been Lord of my life since I was 18 years old.  Jesus promises that there will be times of trial in the life of a Christian, but declares He will be by our side.  We know that God is ultimately in control of all things.  These two promises from God’s Word often seem to be absent from our lives, because of all the hurt in the world.  However, through prayer, God’s Word, contemplation, advice from other believers, and ultimately the Holy Spirit the promises of God are always affirmed.  The apostle Paul went through many difficult times that are beyond our imagination.  Paul, because he had the Holy Spirit & the love of Christ, was able to write “We are hard-pressed on every side, yet not crushed; we are perplexed, but not in despair; persecuted, but not forsaken; struck down, but not destroyed-always carrying about in the body the dying of the Lord Jesus, that the life of Jesus also may be manifested in our body.” 2 Corinthians 4:8-10
As difficult as it is, in my weakest moments of life I am able to say I am struck down, but not destroyed, because of the Holy Spirit and the love of Christ. 
This is the story of our first pregnancy...  Brandon and I had always planned to get pregnant in December 2011, since he would graduate in May 2012 and we would have the baby in September 2012…perfect timing right?!  For those of you who remember don’t come knockin on Christmas day 2011, cause I’ll be makin a babyI would always joke…hehe!!  Well, we found out in Spring 2011 that Brandon would be graduating in December 2011…yaaaay!!  Then, June came fast, the summer was starting and Brandon and I thought to ourselves…why are we waiting until December to get pregnant?!  After we both came to the realization that the old plan was being altered via graduation we decided that we could totally start trying to get pregnant pronto…it was perfect timing!  June was our first month trying to get pregnant.  So…you know how it goes.  When your getting close to the expected day of your period and your hoping with everything that it doesn’t come.  Well, the time came and no period so we took a pregnancy test and…it was negative…what the stink right?!  We were sooooo confused…we even went to the Doc to get the blood test to be sure!  Then 4-5 days later my “peer peer” came!!  We came to the conclusion that we were late because of the new super intense workout program and new healthy eating habits we had started in June!  Then, July passed by and I didn’t get pregnant.  Next, it was August and my period was expected on the 8th of September…but it was only Monday, the 5th…Labor day if you remember.  Brandon and I were just hanging out on this lovely holiday in our pajamas in the middle of the afternoon :) We decided we should take a pregnancy test...who knows why?! Maybe it was because all month I had this weird tightening feeling in my lower tum area!  But, actually I hadn’t even been thinking about it that day, I just all of the sudden wanted to take a test…so we did!  It seems like we waited one million minutes to see the word…………………… PREGNANT!!!!!!!  Oh my!  We were so so so excited!!  We were PREGNANT!!  WAHOOOOOIEE!!!  So, we decided to celebrate, if that’s not a reason to take off the p.j’s and put on a cute dress & a nice polo for him of course…I don’t know what is ;) we went to enjoy a yummy dinner at Cotton Patch CafĂ© and went to the book store to buy On Becoming Baby Wise…as referred by one of my favorite friends Bonnie…thanks girlie!  Also, we found a book about being healthy while pregnant called Feed the Belly.  What a great memory! 
We went to the Doc On Tuesday the 6th and got the blood test to confirm the pregnancy.  On Wednesday the 7th we got the call confirming we were 4 weeks pregnant!  The nurse was so excited to tell me…oh my, what joy!  Beebee was in my tum…yay!!  I can’t even describe the excitement in our home!  Brandon and I had all sorts of fun talking about Beebee…especially me talking about what Beebee likes & doesn’t like, which we all know was what I like & don’t like! Haha!!  Brandon just went along with it ;)
Then, Sunday the 11th came, which was the 1st Cowboys football game of the season.  So, we invited a few friends over to enjoy the game with us!  That night after everyone left, we turned off the lights, the computer and I went to the restroom as I usually do right before bed.  Except this time I saw something VERY unexpectant…it was blood…not a whole lot, but it was blood.  I’m sure Bran was shocked to hear the noise I made & the look on my face at that moment!  We decided to turn back on the computer and search the internet to see how common blood during pregnancy was.  It turns out its fairly common, but Bran still held me tight as he does every night to help me go to sleep & I cried myself to sleep:(  Morning came and there was still blood.  Monday was my first day of breakfast duty which is less frequent, earlier, & in addition to my every day morning duty at school.  There was another teacher in there training me…thank Heaven!  All I could think about was ”Is Beebee ok?!  I COULD NOT hold myself together!  So, I told her I was feeling sick to my stomach with tears filling my eyes & I headed for the bathroom.  I truly was feeling sick, mostly out of pure nervousness!  In the restroom, I called Bran and he prayed with me!  The Holy Spirit inside of me is the reason I was able to leave the restroom & go to my normal morning duty without having a total melt down. 
I waited for the announcements to end & I decided to go talk to my principal about what was going on.  As of this time the only people who knew about the pregnancy were Brandon, me, my Doc, and the nurse.  In fact, we wanted the pregnancy to be a big surprise, so we hadn’t even told ANYBODY we were TRYING yet, not even our parents!  So, I waited for Mrs. Delgado with tears filling my eyes again!  Principals are always super busy, but Mrs. Delgado is never too busy for me!  I did not like that the 1st person I was telling about Beebee was not my Mommy or Marilynd, but I had to tell her why I might not be able to do my job as well that day!  So…I told her.  Who knows how much she actually understood through my shaky voice and mountain of tears.  And you’ll never guess what she told me…she said when she was pregnant with her son she started to bleed and had to go to the emergency room.  She said the blood was going all the way down her legs & the Doc’s were saying they didn’t think the baby was going to make it.  Then, she said her faithful aunt prayed with her and now her son is 21 years old!  What a blessing to hear how awesome God is!  His miracles are so marvelous!  Next, she could tell I was in no shape to teach my kiddos anytime soon so she gave me a key to an unused portable, gave me a box of Kleenex’s & told me to go have some time to myself.  What a leader!  On the way to the portable I was praying to God for his will to be done, but begging if there was any way for Beebee to live for that to be the case.  When I got there I called Brandon & told him what was happening.  Next, I called the Doc’s office they made an appointment for that afternoon.  After that, I talked to God about everything and spent time with Him in the quiet room.  I was able to go to a class that day since I had that time to pull myself together through my time with God.  After that class it was my lunch and I had taken a half day since my qppt. was that afternoon.  I got to go home & have lunch with Bran Bran.  While at the Doc’s office we continued to read On Becoming Baby Wise as we waited shortly.  While we were seeing the Doc she said it is common for women to bleed when the're pregnant.  She did an exam and said my Cervix was high which was good and it was closed...which was good, but then she mentioned that the blood was redder than she'd hoped. So we tried to do a sonogram but like she thought it was too early to see the baby, so we did a blood test. Then in two days I would come back and do another to check my levels again.  The blood test’s check your HCG level which is supposed to double every day when your pregnant! When we found out we were pregnant and went in for a blood test my HCG was 45.  Tuesday was a semi-normal day since we couldn’t go to the Doc again until Wednesday.  We went to the University of Texas Arlington for the International Bible study that night as usual.  On the way home Brandon said, “Miryam, don’t you think we should tell somebody about our situation so we can have them praying with us and giving us advice?”  The idea of not telling anyone our surprise was beginning to make us feel kind of lonely.  So we called our dear friends Bonnie & Matthew.  They encouraged us, prayed with us, gave us advice & continued to pray for us!  On Wednesday, I went in to check my levels again and the nurse said I didn’t have to check them…I thought yay & said “so the baby is ok!”  She showed me my levels and said I went from a 45 to a 3.  Then, I understood what she was saying.  She was saying I had a miscarriage! :’( The car ride home was highly unpleasant.  Brandon and I had NO CLUE we would be finding out that day!  We thought we had a few more test to do hence the reason Brandon didn’t miss class to come with me!  One part of the grieving process is denial.  I was so sure that the Doc’s test was wrong and Beebee was still ok.  But, by the end of the day I came to my senses Beebee was not ok!  That night, somehow we got up the courage to call our mommy’s and tell them the news.  It made me sad to be calling to tell them we are pregnant & we lost the baby in the same call.  They kindly called everyone else to inform them of what happened for us.  Good thing because my head hurt worst than ever ever ever from all the tears that day!!
We decided to name Beebee, Aaron Allison.  I love the hope that David gives us about our Aaron being in Heaven when he says, “I shall go to him, but he shall not return to me” 2 Samuel 12:23. 
That day we had the most discouraging experience of our lives.  We can honestly say we were struck down, but not destroyed because the hope that Jesus Christ gives.  We know because of Job that “the Lord gave, and the Lord has taken away; blessed be the name of the Lord.” Job 1:21.  Many things are taken from us in this life, but thank God that he sent Jesus Christ to die on the Cross for our sins, so that “whoever calls on the name of the Lord shall be saved.” Romans 10:13