Tuesday, May 15, 2012

Celebrate Life ALWAYS

*If this is your first time reading my blog...read Struck Down But Not Destroyed from January first!
MAY 15!!  This is a day that will forever be special to us and those closest to us!!  Today is the day little BeeBee Aaron would have been born!  What a joyous day…a day we can celebrate…the life of our baby, though oh so brief…WE CELEBRATE!!  We miss our BeeBee and look forward to the day we are reunited with Aaron in Heaven. 
          Thank you Father for the peace you have brought to us as a family.  You are so wonderful and we appreciate your love so true and pure.  Only YOU can heal a heart so broken.  Thank you.  Thank you.  Thank you.  Please help us to continue to heal and be strong.  Help us to love you, trust you, and desire you!  We trust your perfect plan and now understand that we will be growing our little family sometime in the future.  We thank you for being so clear and giving us the patience to wait…so now we wait with a joyful heart :) ”